Fundraising gift cards are available by order or online! A portion of every purchase goes directly to SLS!
Use the address below to create your account and order yours today!
Use the enrollment code when registering: FAB11E62731L
Order from Amazon?
Amazon Smile donates 0.5% of all orders to a charity of your choice. Just simply type into the search bar and log in with your regular Amazon account to access this feature. When searching for the charity on Amazon, type St. Louis Church Nokomis to find us. Find out more at the link below!
Amazon Smile
Amazon offers a feature to create "Wish Lists." The teachers have the ability to add "wishes" to this list that they would like for their classrooms and students. If you would like to participate in donating through this program, please see the link below.
SLS Wish List
Box Tops for Education has gone digital!
No more cutting off pieces of cardboard and remembering to send it to the school each month; now you can just scan your receipt and the credit will be given!
When registering, search for St. Louis School as the recipient and we will receive the credit for every item that is scanned in. SO EASY! (There's even an app!!)
Box Tops for Education
Regularly check this page for any information on current fundraisers for the school!
Thank you for your love and support. God Bless!