The sacraments are foundational to our relationship with Jesus and participation in His Catholic Church.
Baptism for infants and children (below the age of 7), can normally be scheduled for anytime at the parish. Parents are expected to be practicing Catholics and have attended a baptsimal formation class before the baptism of thier oldest child.
Attached is the information sheet that will need to be filled out and sent to the office to schedule the baptism
Baptisms for adults and children over the age of 7 are normally done at the yearly Easter Vigil Mass. There is a period of preparation that leads up this the year before the baptism. Please contact the office or Fr. Michael if you are interested in an adult baptism.
Confirmation is an important sacrament of maturity within the Catholic Church. In the Diocese of Springfield, children usually recieve this sacrament with First Communion at the Cathedral when they have reached 3rd grade or older.
Children of our parish are currently preparing for Confirmation on December 16, 2023.
Adults who were baptized Catholic as a child but did not recieve Confirmation, are invited to contact the office to be placed on a list to recieve the sacrament on the Sunday of Pentecost at the Cathedral.
Adults who were baptized outside of the Catholic Church and now wish to become Catholic, must meet with Fr. Michael for instruction and a date will be set. Please contact the office to set up a meeting with Fr. Michael.
The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic faith. We order our life around this great gift. Many opportunities for Mass are offered. Please see the bulletin for current Mass times.
Those wishing to recieve First Communion must go through preparation along with Confirmation. Please contact the office for more information.
Reconciliation is a great gift of healing and forgiveness that Jesus gives to us. St. Louis offers regular weekly opportunities for the sacrament, along with seasonal penance services in Advent and Lent, and Fr. Michael is happy to set up personal appointments for the sacrament.
Please see the bulletin for the current schedule or contact to office to set up an appointment.
Annointing of the Sick is an important sacrament for when we are seriously ill. Please contact the office for setting up an appointment for this sacrament. Ordinarily, annoitings can take place following Mass or in your home.
In case of an emergency, please contact Fr. Michael directly.
Holy Matrimony is one of the greatests callings in our Church. Couples seeking to marry at St. Louis Church or to be prepared for the sacrament, must contact the office atleast 6 mothes before they wish to be married. Fr. Michael will meet with couples to prepare them for the sacrament. No dates are set untill the appropriate paperwork has been filled out.
Catholics who have already contracted civil marriage and wish to have thier marriage reconcilled with the Catholic Church are invited to contact the office for more information and to begin that process.
Couples or individuals who have been previously married and that marriage civilly ended in divorce may contact the office for information regarding the annulment process in the Catholic Church. Fr. Michael or another trained advocate can walk you through this process of healing. If a declaration of nulity is issued, individuals would be free to marry again within the Catholic Church.
The Church needs good men as husbands, fathers, deacons, priests, and bishops. Men considering a call to ordained ministry as a deacon or priest should contact Fr. Michael or reach out to the vocation director for the diocese.
More information on vocations in the Diocese of Springfield can be found here:
Office for Vocations